How Often Should I Get a Professional Carpet Cleaning?

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How Often Should I Get a Professional Carpet Cleaning?
August 10th, 2020

How Often Should I Get a Professional Carpet Cleaning?

A professional carpet cleaning is one of the best things you can do for the livelihood of your carpet – and the health of the people who spend their time around it. Carpets are a common source of allergies and airborne dirt: Having it cleared out by a professional, guarantees a carpet in great condition for years more to come.

Here’s how often to call in a professional carpet cleaner.

I Can’t Remember When

If you can’t remember the last time you called a professional carpet cleaner, it might be time to do exactly that. When you aren’t entirely sure, you’re just increasing your risk of exposure to whatever might be trapped in your carpets. This is common in households where people have lived for long enough to forget about this simple task.

I’ve Just Moved In

If you’ve just moved into a new house or apartment, clean the carpets. The existing carpeting might have been there for months or years before you walked in – and the answer is pretty much the same as #1 on this list.

I’ve Had a Recent Spill

Bad spills happen all the time. The difference in how good (or bad) your carpet is going to handle the stain can sometimes depend on how long you let that stain sit there. Call a professional carpet cleaner as soon as possible after a recent spill.